Tuesday 1 January 2013

Happy New Year! and Happy Birthday to my new Blog!

Well, Here I am.
Racking my brain trying to think of stuff to type in my new blog...I'm not great with words or much of a storyteller (I leave that up to my talented sister). But I guess I'll get some practice in over the next 12 months huh? I guess I should start with the reason why I'm here..

I LOVE PHOTOGRAPHY. And I also LOVE my little family.
So to meld them together I've decided to create this blog (photo diary if you will). I will be tackling a 31 day photo challenge for the month of Jan and this will also form part of a 52 week challenge for the year . It will ultimately end up a photo diary of our life in 2013.(I've always wanted to keep a diary but have never continued with it after the first week - I really hope this will be different!).
These photos won't all be taken on my Canon (my 3rd baby), some may be from my Camera phone but all will be a record of our day to day lives. I'm so looking forward to sharing it with you!

I'm not promising to be witty or to have perfect grammar all the time, but I hope to load some beautiful images of my life with my gorgeous children and partner and some funny stories about my adventures juggling motherhood and a new business. It will also be a great excuse to spend less time on Facebook and more time with like-minded individuals!

So, to end my first blog entry, here's my New Years Resolution. Amongst other things like winning the lotto :-) it is - to take more photos with me in them. I want my children to look back on photos of me as a young mum in her bikinis with babes in arms! And it fits in perfectly with the subject of day 1 of the challenge - YOU. So here it is...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I've been feeling the same way - wanting to be in more photos with my girl - sans bikinis though... Not quite ready to show that much flesh. :) Nice self-portrait!
