Saturday 26 January 2013

Day 26 - Colour

This week is "back to school" week.
And I'm a little bit nervous, excited, apprehensive and sad that my little girl is growing up and starting Kindy.
We went to orientation the other night and she couldn't wait to get out in the playground (without me!) and loved playing in the class room with the baskets full of blocks and toys. I wonder how she will go when she realises I actually leave her there for the day?
I know it will be so great for her social skills and she will learn far more then sitting in front of the TV at home but I am going to miss her like crazy, even if it is only 2 days a week.

These are her pencils. I'm so into rainbows at the moment, just can't get enough.  Do you believe in colour therapy? Certain colours like teal and turquoise just make me swoon, like I want to swim in a pool full of it. I'd love to swim in a pool full of rainbow... hmmm.  But I definitely think colours have healing properties and affect our moods ;)

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