Friday 28 March 2014

8 Tips for photographing kids

We have all been there. Trying to get the perfect shot of the littlies but they just won't co-operate! They either put on the "cheesy" fake smile face or flee in the opposite direction. Here are my tips for getting some cute and natural photos that you'll look back and love in the years to come...

1- Don't expect too much. Just relax! As soon as you start getting all bossy and demanding they "look here! Smile like this! Hug your sister!" it becomes a chore. You can bet you're not going to get a natural smile from your subjects and they'll run when they see the camera come out in the future. Don't set your expectations too high and you might be pleasantly surprised with the outcome.

2- Be ready. Have that camera on the settings that you want, switched on with the lens cover off! Kids are spontaneous, you need to be ready for the unexpected and fun stuff.

3- Props work wonders. Give them something to hold, cuddle or do. Littlies have a very short attention span and by the time you hold you camera up to your face, something has caught their eye and they're off in the opposite direction. By giving them something to hold, they're likely to sit still for a few moments more. Favourite Teddy will get a cute smile, Flowers or leaves can be made into fluttery play things and bubbles, streamers, and water balloons and dancing always work wonders at getting a smile too.

4- Get down on their level. Mess around with different perspectives. This also makes the kids more comfortable as you're not standing over the top of them. Get in the mud, sand, long grass- whatever it takes, they'll love you for it too.

5- Rude noises and toilet humour. I know I know...but hey, it ALWAYS works!!

6- Time your session. Think about whether the kids are tired, hungry, sick. Make sure they are in a happy frame of mind before you start shoot. Well rested and fed kids will perform great!

7- Let them go. Remember, not all photos have to have them staring at the camera. Some of the most powerful images are those of them just being themselves.

If all else fails - Bribery is always an option! But hey, the kids probably deserve a treat anyway for being great models, and they'll be happy for you to break out the camera next time too!

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